University of Liverpool Mark Lodge No 1062 Installation
Dons don robes bringing further colour to the “colourful degree”


Monday 20th February saw the Installation of W.Bro. Tom Marlow into the Chair of the University of Liverpool Mark Lodge. The Ceremony took place in the beautiful and intimate setting of the board room of The Liverpool Medical Institution, a building on the corner of Mount Pleasant and Hope Street which many visitors to the Hope Street Masonic Hall who pass the building might not know plays host to a number of Masonic Lodges. In attendance were V. W. Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore, Deputy Provincial Grand Master supported by V. W. Bro's. D. Keith Dowell and Fred E. Hargreaves together with Special Representative W. Bro. Michael J. Winterbottom, Provincial Grand Secretary W. Bro. Geoffrey H. Lee and a host of Grand and Provincial Grand Officers. Attending on the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. David Emmerson ably assisted by W.Bro's John Jones and A. Barry Fisher.
Brethren of the Lodge and some Guests wore academic gowns and hoods which is a tradition of University Lodge. The wearing of academic dress dates back to medieval times but it was only in the thirteenth century that different degrees could be recognised from the different robe designs. Today, Universities can be identified from their hoods of vibrantly coloured silks, some with ermine embellishments. This made for a colourful and impressive Installation. The Installing Master W. Bro. John C. Lyon-Taylor conducted the ceremony in a sincere and efficient manner and whilst it was the shortened version it was very nicely carried out. Stepping into the Installing Director of Ceremonies position at very short notice due to the illness of the Lodge DC was a very capable W. Bro. Brian A. Jackson, who many will know.
At the conclusion of the Installation a cheque for £100 was presented by the Lodge to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the West Lancashire Mark Charity Fund.
Then, repairing to drinks where much jovial conversation abounded. This was followed by an excellent 5 course meal at the packed festive board held in the magnificent dining room where the Brethren were watched over by six enormous portraits of eminent Victorian medics. During the Worshipful Master’s response to the toast to his health he related the story of how he joined the Lodge. He initially thought that as a graduate of the University of Wales at Bangor he was ineligible to join but having read the Customs of the Lodge realised that graduates and staff members of any University are welcome. These days qualified Members and Guests don’t even need to have their own academic gowns as the Lodge now has a sizeable stock available.
The next meeting of the Lodge will witness an advancement of a Brother into the Order so should any Brother wish to attend please contact our Brother Secretary David Roberts at
Gareth Jones